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Medical tourism in the Penza region (presentation)

02 July 2021, 11:13
21 July 2021, 16:24

Medical tourism in the Penza region

Contact Information

Address: 84, st. Sorokina, Serdobsk, Penza Region, 442894

Phone of medical organization: 8 (84167) 2-15-44


Basic information about a medical organization

State budgetary Healthcare Institution "Serdobskaya MRB" named after A.I. Nastina, is medical organization that provides health care service, in the following areas of expertise: ... . Medical care is provided in accordance with a license for medical activity License No. LO-58-01-002463 dated December 8, 2020. The hospital was founded in 1878. The hospital includes 331 round-the-clock beds in 14 specialized departments, 85 beds of a day stay.

02 July 2021, 11:19
10 July 2023, 12:19

List of medical services

02 July 2021, 11:23
21 July 2021, 16:51

Algorithm of applying to a medical organization for a foreign citizens

Free visit, hospitalization of foreign citizens is carried out in emergency cases, as well as in the presence of a voluntary or compulsory health insurance policy.
In case of emergency, you can contact a medical organization by calling 8 (84167) 5-93-93  (reception), address 84, st. Sorokina, Serdobsk, Penza Region, 442894 .
If you have a medical policy Rules for making an initial appointment / consultation / inspection.

02 July 2021, 11:30
23 August 2021, 20:21